Letter of recommendation template

Use this letter of recommendation template to give references to a former student or a former team member. Tailor this sample to fit your feedback on that specific person. This letter may also be called “employee reference letter.”

How to write a letter of recommendation

So, what do you include in a letter of recommendation? Follow this efficient process to get started:

  1. Know the Purpose
    • Understand the specific purpose of the letter. Is the person applying for a master's program, an internship, or a job? Determine who the recipient is and what they are most interested in.
    • Tailor your content to the purpose. For example, highlight a candidate's machine learning project for an educational program in that field or emphasize leadership skills for a job requiring such qualities.
    • If necessary, ask the person for more details or use general examples if you lack specific information.
  2. Consider the Person Requesting the Recommendation
    • Refresh your memory on the person’s work or experiences with you. If they were a student, recall the projects they completed. If they were a team member, review any notes on their performance.
    • Answer these questions to shape your letter:
      • What was my working relationship with this person?
      • What projects did they work on under my supervision?
      • Can I recall two examples of their good performance or positive attitude?
      • What qualities does this person possess?
      • Is there anything particularly impressive about their knowledge or skills?
  3. Start with a Template
    • Use a template to draft your letter. Here are two examples to get you started:

Letter of Recommendation for an Employee

Dear [insert name],

I am writing to recommend [employee_name]. [He/She/They] worked with us at [company_name] as a [employee_job_title] and [reported to me/worked with me] in my position as [insert your job title].

As an employee, [employee_name] was always [insert quality]. During [his/her/their] time in my team, [he/she/they] managed to [insert example].

I’ve always put a premium on [insert quality] among my team members and [employee_name] never failed to deliver. An example was when [insert example].

[Employee_name] is a delight to work with, and I wouldn’t hesitate to hire [him/her/them] again.

Should you have any further questions about [him/her/them], feel free to reach me at [phone number].


[Your name and signature]

Letter of Recommendation for a Former Student

Dear [insert name],

I am writing to recommend [student_name]. I am [job_title] at [institution], and [student_name] was my [student/PhD candidate/lab assistant/etc.] for [X months/years].

As a student, [student_name] was always [insert quality]. During [his/her/their] time in my class, [he/she/they] worked on [insert projects] and managed to [insert example].

I’ve always put a premium on [insert quality] among my students, and [student_name] never failed to deliver. An example was when [insert example].

[Student_name] is [insert personality attribute], and I wouldn’t hesitate to collaborate with [him/her/them] again.

Should you have any further questions about [him/her/them], feel free to reach me at [phone number].


[Your name and signature]

Personalize Your Draft

  1. Use these templates as a guide, but modify them to fit your needs. Consider these tips:
    • Provide context for each example with one or two sentences.
    • Use a natural, authentic voice for greater impact.
    • Be honest. Do not embellish, as the candidate may be questioned about the examples provided.

Sample Letters

Sample Letter for an Employee

Dear Ms. Edwards,

I am writing to recommend May Thompson. She worked with me at Acme Inc. as a Senior Sales Manager and reported to me in my position as VP of Sales.

As an employee, May was always reliable and resourceful. During her time in my team, she managed to build a strong sales team from scratch. Her team exceeded our annual goals on closed deals for three consecutive years. May also conducted high-impact customer research and made several key recommendations for our product positioning strategies.

I’ve always valued leadership and problem-solving qualities among my team members, and May excelled in both areas. For example, she motivated her team with fun competitions that also served as coaching opportunities for junior employees. Additionally, she helped resolve a major conflict between the sales and product teams regarding features our customers requested.

May is a delight to work with—a team player with a positive, can-do attitude. I wouldn’t hesitate to hire her again if the opportunity arose.

Should you have any further questions, feel free to reach me at +10000000.


Sarah Potter

VP of Sales, Acme Inc.

Sample Letter for a Student

To the admissions office of MIT,

I am writing to recommend Luke Thompson for your PhD program in chemical engineering. I am a professor of chemical engineering at Acme University, specializing in nanotechnology, and Mr. Thompson was my student for two years before earning his Bachelor's degree from Acme.

As a student, Mr. Thompson was always curious and eager to learn. During his time in my class, he conducted research on nanotechnology and biotechnology. His grades on these projects were outstanding, and his papers were well-researched and insightful. One example is his project on nanosensors and their impact on biomedicine, which was accepted at a conference in Berlin.

I value initiative and hard work among my students, and Mr. Thompson consistently demonstrated these qualities. For instance, he organized learning sessions with different professors, which served as informal career orientation for younger students.

Mr. Thompson is intelligent, hardworking, and passionate about chemistry and chemical engineering. I wouldn’t hesitate to collaborate with him in an academic capacity.

Should you have any further questions, feel free to reach me at +1000000.


Professor Sally McPhee

These sample letters illustrate how to structure your own recommendation letter, whether it's for an employee or a student. Use these guidelines to streamline your writing process.