Web Administrator interview questions and answers

These sample questions will help you assess candidates’ skills to hire the most qualified individuals for your open roles.

Web Administrator Interview Questions

Web Administrators, also known as Webmasters, are responsible for monitoring and improving website performance, upgrading servers, and coordinating all published content. They ensure websites are functional and meet end users’ needs.

Candidates for this role typically possess a Computer Science degree and experience with HTML/CSS, XML, or Javascript. Certifications in web technologies are an added advantage. Incorporate assignments like disaster recovery plans or stress tests in your hiring process to evaluate candidates’ troubleshooting skills.

Look for candidates who proactively identify and address technical issues, take initiative, and have solid problem-solving abilities. Effective team players, they should be eager to assist co-workers and promptly respond to employee queries.

Personality and cognitive ability

  • If we wanted to design a new microsite for our company page, what would your responsibilities be?
    • Answer: My responsibilities would include planning the site structure, ensuring it aligns with the company’s branding and goals, creating or supervising the development of web pages, ensuring the site is responsive and user-friendly, integrating necessary security measures, and conducting regular testing for functionality before the launch.
  • How would you check and fix broken links?
    • Answer: I would use tools like Google Search Console or online link checkers to identify broken links. Once identified, I would either update the links to the correct URLs or remove them if they are no longer relevant.
  • What firewalls would you set up to ensure security?
    • Answer: I would implement both hardware and software firewalls. Hardware firewalls, such as those provided by network routers, protect the network at large, while software firewalls on the web server can monitor and control incoming and outgoing traffic based on security rules.
  • What would you check if a website didn’t load for one specific web browser?
    • Answer: I would check for browser compatibility issues, including outdated plugins or incompatible CSS/JavaScript. Testing the site on different versions of the browser and checking the browser's developer console for errors would also be crucial steps.
  • Why would or wouldn’t you give admin rights to local users?
    • Answer: I wouldn’t give admin rights to local users unless absolutely necessary, to minimize the risk of unauthorized changes, security breaches, or accidental data loss. If admin rights are necessary, I would implement strict usage policies and training to ensure proper usage.
  • What do you think are the server capacity needs for a company of our size?
    • Answer: Server capacity needs depend on factors like the number of visitors, the type of content served, and the number of simultaneous users. I would analyze current usage patterns and project future growth to determine the appropriate server specifications and scaling plans.
  • What guidelines would you give to our employees to minimize security threats?
    • Answer: Guidelines would include using strong, unique passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, being cautious with email attachments and links, regularly updating software, and reporting suspicious activities immediately.

Role based question

  • What web management tools have you used?
    • Answer: I have used tools like WordPress for content management, Google Analytics for traffic analysis, and various security plugins and monitoring tools to ensure site health and performance.
  • What computer protocols are you familiar with?
    • Answer: I am familiar with protocols such as HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, and TCP/IP, which are fundamental for web communications and secure data transfer.
  • What’s the role of a web proxy server?
    • Answer: A web proxy server acts as an intermediary between users and the internet, enhancing security, improving response times by caching content, and helping with anonymizing internet activity.
  • Mention two or three common reasons for low loading speeds on a corporate website. How would you troubleshoot these issues?
    • Answer: Common reasons include large image files, excessive use of plugins, and unoptimized code. Troubleshooting would involve compressing images, minimizing plugin use, optimizing CSS/JS files, and leveraging browser caching.
  • What is the software Bonjour? Is it safe for a corporate web environment?
    • Answer: Bonjour is Apple’s zero-configuration networking software. While it’s useful for discovering devices on a local network, its use in a corporate environment should be evaluated based on network security policies and the specific needs of the organization.
  • How do you measure conversion rates for a web page?
    • Answer: Conversion rates can be measured using tools like Google Analytics by setting up goals and tracking specific actions such as form submissions, downloads, or purchases that indicate successful user interactions.
  • Are you familiar with keyword research to improve a page’s Google rankings? What kinds of tools do you use to research keywords? (e.g., Keyword Planner and Moz)
    • Answer: Yes, I use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Moz, and SEMrush to research keywords. These tools help identify relevant keywords, analyze their competitiveness, and track

Behavioural question

  • What web management tools have you used?
    • Answer: I have used tools like WordPress for content management, Google Analytics for traffic analysis, and various security plugins and monitoring tools to ensure site health and performance.
  • What computer protocols are you familiar with?
    • Answer: I am familiar with protocols such as HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, and TCP/IP, which are fundamental for web communications and secure data transfer.
  • What’s the role of a web proxy server?
    • Answer: A web proxy server acts as an intermediary between users and the internet, enhancing security, improving response times by caching content, and helping with anonymizing internet activity.
  • Mention two or three common reasons for low loading speeds on a corporate website. How would you troubleshoot these issues?
    • Answer: Common reasons include large image files, excessive use of plugins, and unoptimized code. Troubleshooting would involve compressing images, minimizing plugin use, optimizing CSS/JS files, and leveraging browser caching.
  • What is the software Bonjour? Is it safe for a corporate web environment?
    • Answer: Bonjour is Apple’s zero-configuration networking software. While it’s useful for discovering devices on a local network, its use in a corporate environment should be evaluated based on network security policies and the specific needs of the organization.
  • How do you measure conversion rates for a web page?
    • Answer: Conversion rates can be measured using tools like Google Analytics by setting up goals and tracking specific actions such as form submissions, downloads, or purchases that indicate successful user interactions.
  • Are you familiar with keyword research to improve a page’s Google rankings? What kinds of tools do you use to research keywords? (e.g., Keyword Planner and Moz)
    • Answer: Yes, I use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Moz, and SEMrush to research keywords. These tools help identify relevant keywords, analyze their competitiveness, and track