How to source and shortlist {role_name}

Where can you find qualified {role_name}?

What are the best practices for headhunting {role_name}?

Headhunting involves actively seeking out candidates rather than waiting for them to apply. Here are some best practices:

  • Leverage social media:
    • Use Facebook groups dedicated to hospitality jobs.
    • Post in local community job boards on social media platforms.
  • Referrals:
    • Encourage current employees to refer potential candidates.
    • Implement a referral bonus program.
  • Local Outreach:
    • Advertise in local newspapers and community bulletin boards.
    • Attend job fairs and community events.
  • Partnerships:
    • Collaborate with local employment agencies.
    • Establish relationships with hospitality training centers.

How to shortlist candidates?

Once you have started to get applications from applicants, a thorough screening process and shortlisting of prospects will help you make the most of your time spent with the most qualified ones. 

Automated shortlisting tools :

Automated screening quickly filters out unqualified candidates, saving time for manual review. This allows the manual process to focus on the most promising candidates, ensuring the best ones are considered for further evaluation.

Screening questions to auto-shortlist based on predefined criteria

like qualifications, location, experience, and skills. Either use job board or use an ATS such as whitecarrot. Here are some questions for {role_name}

  • "How many years of experience do you have with cash handling?"
    • (Auto-reject if less than 1 year)
  • "How many years of experience do you have using POS systems?"
    • (Auto-reject if less than 1 year)
  • "Are you located within [specified location] or willing to work remotely?" 
    • (Auto-reject if not willing to work in the specified location or remotely)

Skill based question to auto shortlist candidate

Analyze the skill test data to automatically shortlist top-performing applicants. (recommended screening test time - 15 minutes). Here are some skill test questions for {role_name}

Cash Handling

Assessing the candidate's ability to handle cash transactions accurately.

  • "What is the correct way to count back change to a customer?"
    • Options:
      • A) Count the change starting with coins and moving to bills
      • B) Count the change starting with bills and moving to coins
      • C) Count all the change at once without any order
      • D) Give the customer whatever change you have
  • "If you receive a $50 bill for a $27.75 purchase, what is the correct change?"
    • Options:
      • A) $22.25
      • B) $23.25
      • C) $24.25
      • D) $25.25
  • "How would you handle a situation where you suspect a bill is counterfeit?"
    • Options:
      • A) Accept the bill and report it later
      • B) Refuse the bill and inform the customer
      • C) Call a manager immediately
      • D) Continue with the transaction and note the details

POS Systems

Evaluating the candidate’s proficiency with Point of Sale systems.

  • "Which function is used to void an incorrect item entry in a POS system?"
    • Options:
      • A) Refund
      • B) Cancel
      • C) Void
      • D) Delete
  • "How do you apply a discount to an item using the POS system?"
    • Options:
      • A) Select the item and enter the discount amount
      • B) Apply the discount after the transaction
      • C) Adjust the item's price manually
      • D) None of the above
  • "What should you do if the POS system freezes during a transaction?"
    • Options:
      • A) Restart the POS system immediately
      • B) Call a manager for assistance
      • C) Continue the transaction manually and report the issue
      • D) Cancel the transaction and start over

Customer Service

Testing the candidate’s ability to provide excellent customer service.

  • "How would you handle a situation where a customer is unhappy with their order?"
    • Options:
      • A) Ignore the complaint
      • B) Apologize and offer a solution
      • C) Refer the customer to another staff member
      • D) Ask the customer to leave
  • "What would you do if a customer’s payment card is declined?"
    • Options:
      • A) Ask the customer to try again
      • B) Call the manager
      • C) Politely inform the customer and ask for another payment method
      • D) Cancel the transaction
  • "How do you ensure that you are providing efficient and friendly service?"
    • Options:
      • A) Smile and greet customers
      • B) Work quickly without talking to customers
      • C) Focus only on the transaction
      • D) Avoid eye contact

Note - Auto reject candidates if scores less than 70% in this section

One way video interview

Recruitment Bullet

Use tools like hirevue, to ask candidates pre-recorded questions about their experience and skills.

Recruitment Bullet

Use sample question given in scorecard.

Collect other information 

Recruitment Bullet

Collect data from shortlisted candidates, such as salary expectations and visa status.

Manual candidate profile shortlisting:

Recruitment Bullet

Thoroughly review the CVs of the top scoring candidates from the automated process

Recruitment Bullet

Look for evidence of the required skills, experience, and achievements

Recruitment Bullet

Review the candidate’s portfolio or GitHub repositories to see examples of their work.

Schedule recruiter calls with the candidate

Recruitment Bullet

Use a tool like calendly or whitecarrot to allow candidates to self-schedule calls based on your availability

Recruitment Bullet

Confirm the call details (date, time, dial-in info) with the candidate via email

What questions to ask in the recruiter phone screen?

Recruitment Bullet

 Use scorecard for rating candidates for recruiter

Recruitment Bullet

Sample scorecard : 

Candidate Evaluation Criteria
Criteria Sample Question Rating (1-5) Comments
Cash Handling What is the correct way to count back change to a customer?
POS Systems Which function is used to void an incorrect item entry in a POS system?
Customer Service How would you handle a situation where a customer is unhappy with their order?
Communication Skills How do you ensure that you are providing efficient and friendly service?
Problem-Solving What would you do if a customer’s payment card is declined?
Attention to Detail Describe a time when you caught a mistake before it became a bigger issue.
Time Management How do you manage your time when the restaurant is busy?
Cultural Fit Discussion about company values and mission
Recruitment Bullet

Check for consistency in responses from the candidates.

Recruitment Bullet

Record such scorecards in an ATS like whitecarrot or use google doc