Work sample test and structured interview for {role_name}

After shortlisting, assess candidates' skills with a work sample task, followed by an assessment and thorough evaluation.

How to structure the interview to assess skills and cultural fit for {role_name}

Work sample test (Home assignment)

Recruitment Bullet

Assess the candidate’s practical skills by assigning a real-world task similar to the work they would do if hired.

  • Title: API Development and Optimization
  • Objective: Evaluate the candidate’s ability to develop a scalable REST API using Go, optimize its performance, and ensure its reliability.
  • Requirements:
    • Develop a REST API that handles user data (e.g., user creation, retrieval, update, and deletion).
    • Implement proper error handling and validation.
    • Optimize the API for performance, focusing on response time and scalability.
    • Write unit tests to ensure the reliability of the API.
    • Document the API endpoints, including request and response formats.
    • Deliver the code with a README file explaining the setup, usage, and any assumptions made.
  • Time Frame: 5 days

Questions based on home assignment : 

Recruitment Bullet

Once done with work sample test evaluate the candidate’s technical proficiency based on the work sample task.

Technical questions

Recruitment Bullet

Duration : 10 minutes/question

  • Question: How did you ensure the performance optimization of the API you developed in the work sample task?
    • Expected Answer: The candidate should describe specific optimization techniques such as caching, indexing, or reducing database calls.
    • Sample Answer: “I implemented in-memory caching using Redis to store frequently accessed data, which reduced the need for repeated database queries. I also used Goroutines to handle concurrent requests, improving the API’s overall response time.”
  • Question: What error handling mechanisms did you implement in the API, and why?
    • Expected Answer: The candidate should explain how they handled different types of errors and ensured that the API provided meaningful responses to clients.
    • Sample Answer: “I implemented error handling by returning appropriate HTTP status codes, such as 400 for validation errors and 500 for internal server errors. I also ensured that the error messages were descriptive enough to help clients understand what went wrong.”
  • Question: How did you approach writing unit tests for the API, and what tools did you use?
    • Expected Answer: The candidate should explain their testing strategy, including the use of testing frameworks and the types of tests they wrote.
    • Sample Answer: “I used Go’s built-in testing package to write unit tests for each API endpoint, ensuring that all functions performed as expected. I also used a mocking library to simulate database interactions, which allowed me to test the API’s behavior without relying on a live database.”

Behavioral questions

Recruitment Bullet

Duration : 10 minutes/question

  • Question: Describe a situation where you had to work under tight deadlines to complete a critical project. How did you manage your time and ensure the task was completed accurately?
    • Expected Answer: The candidate should discuss how they prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, and maintain accuracy under pressure.
    • Sample Answer: “In a previous project, we had a tight deadline to deliver a new feature. I broke down the tasks into manageable chunks, prioritized the most critical ones, and worked closely with my team to ensure we stayed on track. By regularly reviewing our progress and making adjustments as needed, we were able to deliver the feature on time without compromising quality.”
  • Question: How do you approach teamwork when collaborating with other developers on a project?
    • Expected Answer: The candidate should describe their communication and collaboration skills, and how they contribute to team efforts.
    • Sample Answer: “I believe in open communication and regularly sharing updates with the team. During collaboration, I make sure to listen to my colleagues’ ideas and provide constructive feedback. I also enjoy mentoring junior developers and helping them grow their skills, which contributes to the overall success of the project.”
  • Question: Tell me about a time when you faced a significant challenge during a project. How did you overcome it?
    • Expected Answer: The candidate should describe how they handled a challenging situation, focusing on their problem-solving skills and resilience.
    • Sample Answer: “While working on a project, we encountered a critical performance issue that was causing delays in API responses. After analyzing the problem, I identified that the issue was related to inefficient database queries. I optimized the queries and implemented indexing, which resolved the problem and improved the API’s performance significantly.”

How to evaluate and compare candidates after interviews?

After interviews, it's important to evaluate and compare candidates based on a set of predefined criteria.Use scorecard to evaluate each candidate.

Recruitment Bullet

Sample scorecard based on pre-defined criteria. Here’s an example:

Criteria Rating (1-5) Comments
Technical Expertise 1-5
Problem-Solving Ability 1-5
Cultural Fit 1-5
Communication Skills 1-5
Experience with Tools 1-5

What criteria should be used to make the final hiring decision?

Final decisions should be based on the candidate's overall evaluation score, with a focus on important qualifications. Prioritize technical skills above everything else for a {role_name}, but do not forget about communication and cultural fit.

Recruitment Bullet

How to communicate the decision to candidates

Sample offer letter for {role_name}

[Company Letterhead]


[Candidate Name]  

[Candidate Address]  

[City, State, Zip Code]  

Dear [Candidate Name],

We are pleased to extend an offer of employment for the position of Golang Developer at [Company Name]. We were impressed with your technical expertise, problem-solving skills, and the potential value you can bring to our development team.

Position: Golang Developer  

Start Date: [Start Date]  

Salary: [Salary Amount]  

Benefits: [List of Benefits]

Please review the attached terms of employment and let us know if you have any questions. We are excited about the possibility of you joining our team and contributing to our success.

Kindly sign and return this offer letter by [Offer Expiry Date] to confirm your acceptance.


[Your Name]  

[Your Title]  

[Company Name]

Sample rejection letter for {role_name}

[Company Letterhead]


[Candidate Name]  

[Candidate Address]  

[City, State, Zip Code]  

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview for the Golang Developer position at [Company Name]. We appreciate your interest in our company and the effort you put into the interview process.

After careful consideration, we have decided to move forward with another candidate who we believe is a better fit for the position at this time.

We were impressed with your qualifications and encourage you to apply for future opportunities that match your skills and experience.

Thank you again for your interest in [Company Name]. We wish you the best of luck in your job search and future career endeavors.


[Your Name]  

[Your Title]  

[Company Name]