Work sample test and structured interview for {role_name}

After shortlisting, assess candidates' skills with a work sample task, followed by an assessment and thorough evaluation.

How to structure the interview to assess skills and cultural fit for {role_name}

Work sample test (Home assignment)

Recruitment Bullet

Assess the candidate’s practical skills by assigning a real-world task similar to the work they would do if hired.

  • Title: Bug Tracking and Test Automation Task
  • Objective: Assess the candidate’s ability to identify and document bugs, design test cases, and create automated tests using a specified QA tool.
  • Requirements:
    • Identify and document at least five bugs in a provided sample application.
    • Design test cases to cover key functionalities of the application.
    • Implement automated tests for the designed test cases using Selenium.
    • Provide a report summarizing the bugs, test cases, and results of the automated tests.
  • Time Frame: 3 days

Questions based on home assignment : 

Recruitment Bullet

Once done with work sample test evaluate the candidate’s technical proficiency based on the work sample task.

Technical questions

Recruitment Bullet

Duration : 10 minutes/question

  • Question: Describe the process you followed to identify and document the bugs in the work sample task.
    • Expected Answer: A detailed explanation of the steps taken, including the tools used, the methodology for identifying bugs, and how the bugs were documented.
    • Sample Answer: "I started by exploring the sample application to understand its functionality. I then used exploratory testing techniques to identify areas where the application might fail. I documented each bug in JIRA, including steps to reproduce, expected and actual results, and severity."
  • Question: How did you design the test cases for the work sample task?
    • Expected Answer: Explanation of how test cases were designed based on functional requirements, edge cases, and previous bugs.
    • Sample Answer: "I designed test cases based on the application's key functionalities and included edge cases to ensure comprehensive coverage. Each test case included clear steps, input data, and expected outcomes. I also reviewed previous bugs to ensure similar issues were covered in the test cases."
  • Question: What challenges did you face while automating the test cases, and how did you overcome them?
    • Expected Answer: Description of challenges related to automation tools, script stability, or environment setup, along with solutions.
    • Sample Answer: "One challenge was ensuring that the automated scripts were stable across different environments. I used implicit waits in Selenium to handle timing issues and modularized the test scripts to make them more maintainable. I also ran the scripts on multiple browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility."

Behavioral questions

Recruitment Bullet

Duration : 10 minutes/question

  • Question: Describe a time when you had to work under pressure to meet a tight deadline. How did you handle the situation?
    • Expected Answer: Detailed account of the situation, steps taken to manage time and stress, and the outcome.
    • Sample Answer: "During a major release, we discovered critical bugs late in the development cycle. I prioritized the most critical issues, collaborated closely with developers to resolve them quickly, and managed to complete the testing on time without compromising quality."
  • Question: How do you ensure effective communication with developers and other team members during the testing process?
    • Expected Answer: Explanation of communication strategies, tools used for collaboration, and the importance of clear documentation.
    • Sample Answer: "I believe in maintaining open communication with developers through regular stand-up meetings and using tools like Slack for quick updates. I also ensure that all bugs are well-documented in our bug tracking system, with clear steps to reproduce, so developers have all the information they need."
  • Question: Can you give an example of how you contributed to improving the QA process in your previous roles?
    • Expected Answer: Specific actions taken to enhance the QA process, such as introducing new tools, improving test coverage, or streamlining workflows.
    • Sample Answer: "In my previous role, I noticed that our regression testing was time-consuming and prone to human error. I introduced a test automation framework using Selenium, which reduced the time spent on regression testing by 50% and significantly improved our test coverage."

How to evaluate and compare candidates after interviews?

After interviews, it's important to evaluate and compare candidates based on a set of predefined criteria.Use scorecard to evaluate each candidate.

Recruitment Bullet

Sample scorecard based on pre-defined criteria. Here’s an example:

.criteria-table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; margin-bottom: 20px; overflow-x: auto; /* Enable horizontal scrolling on smaller screens */ display: block; /* Ensure the table behaves like a block element */ } .criteria-table th, .criteria-table td { border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 8px; text-align: left; } .criteria-table th { background-color: #f2f2f2; } @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .criteria-table { overflow-x: auto; display: block; } .criteria-table th, .criteria-table td { font-size: 14px; /* Adjust font size for smaller screens */ } }
Criteria Rating (1-5) Comments
Experience with QA Tools
Knowledge of Test Automation
Problem-Solving Skills
Communication Skills
Cultural Fit
Work Sample Test

What criteria should be used to make the final hiring decision?

Final decisions should be based on the candidate's overall evaluation score, with a focus on important qualifications. Prioritize technical skills above everything else for a {role_name}, but do not forget about communication and cultural fit.

Recruitment Bullet

How to communicate the decision to candidates

Sample offer letter for {role_name}

[Your Company Letterhead]


[Candidate’s Name]

[Candidate’s Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

We are pleased to offer you the position of QA Engineer at [Company Name]. We believe your skills and experience will be an excellent fit for our team.

Your starting salary will be [Salary Amount] per year, and you will be eligible for the following benefits:

- [List of Benefits]

Your anticipated start date is [Start Date], and you will be reporting to [Manager’s Name].

Please review the attached documents for more details about your compensation and benefits. We are excited to have you join our team and look forward to your positive response.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company Name]

Sample rejection letter for {role_name}

[Your Company Letterhead]


[Candidate’s Name]

[Candidate’s Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

We appreciate your interest in the QA Engineer position at [Company Name] and the time you invested in the interview process.

After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we have decided to move forward with another candidate whose qualifications better match our needs at this time.

We were impressed with your skills and experience and encourage you to apply for future openings that match your profile.

Thank you once again for your interest in [Company Name], and we wish you the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company Name]