Work sample test and structured interview for {role_name}

After shortlisting, assess candidates' skills with a work sample task, followed by an assessment and thorough evaluation.

How to structure the interview to assess skills and cultural fit for {role_name}

Work sample test (Home assignment)

Recruitment Bullet

Assess the candidate’s practical skills by assigning a real-world task similar to the work they would do if hired.

  • Title: Real Estate Lead Generation and Client Interaction
  • Objective: Assess the candidate's ability to generate leads and effectively interact with clients to close sales.
  • Requirements:
    • Research and compile a list of 10 potential leads in the local real estate market.
    • Develop a strategy for initial outreach to these leads.
    • Prepare a mock sales pitch to present to a potential client.
    • Create a follow-up plan for maintaining client relationships.
  • Time Frame: 3 days

Questions based on home assignment : 

Recruitment Bullet

Once done with work sample test evaluate the candidate’s technical proficiency based on the work sample task.

Technical questions

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Duration : 10 minutes/question

  • Question: How did you identify and compile your list of potential leads?
    • Expected Answer: The candidate should describe a thorough research process using online real estate platforms, local listings, and social media. They should demonstrate an understanding of target demographics and market trends.
    • Sample Answer: "I used a combination of online real estate platforms, such as Zillow and, to identify active listings and recently sold properties. I also leveraged local social media groups and networked with local community organizations to find potential leads. I focused on properties within specific neighborhoods that align with our target market."
  • Question: What was your strategy for initial outreach to the leads?
    • Expected Answer: The candidate should explain a multi-channel approach, including phone calls, emails, and social media. They should emphasize personalization and relevance in their messaging.
    • Sample Answer: "I planned to reach out via phone calls and personalized emails. I tailored each message to address the specific needs and interests of the lead, based on their recent property search activity. Additionally, I used social media to connect and engage with leads through targeted ads and content."
  • Question: Describe your follow-up plan for maintaining client relationships.
    • Expected Answer: The candidate should outline a structured follow-up plan, including regular check-ins, providing value through market updates, and leveraging CRM tools to manage interactions.
    • Sample Answer: "I would implement a follow-up plan involving monthly check-ins via phone or email, providing clients with market updates and new property listings. I would use a CRM tool to track interactions and set reminders for follow-up tasks. I also planned to offer additional value through personalized property recommendations and client appreciation events."

Behavioral questions

Recruitment Bullet

Duration : 10 minutes/question

  • Question: Describe a time when you had to handle a difficult client. How did you manage the situation?
    • Expected Answer: The candidate should demonstrate empathy, active listening, and problem-solving skills. They should describe a specific situation, their approach, and the outcome.
    • Sample Answer: "I once had a client who was unhappy with the property search process due to delays. I listened to their concerns and apologized for the inconvenience. I then worked closely with them to understand their needs better and prioritized finding properties that met their criteria. I maintained regular communication and ultimately found a home that exceeded their expectations."
  • Question: How do you handle rejection or setbacks in sales?
    • Expected Answer: The candidate should show resilience and a positive attitude. They should explain how they learn from setbacks and maintain motivation.
    • Sample Answer: "I view rejection as an opportunity to learn and improve. After a setback, I analyze what went wrong and seek feedback to make necessary adjustments. I maintain a positive attitude by focusing on my long-term goals and using setbacks as motivation to refine my approach and improve my performance."
  • Question: Give an example of how you have adapted to a change in the real estate market.
    • Expected Answer: The candidate should provide a specific example of a market change and how they adapted their strategies to remain effective. They should highlight flexibility and proactive thinking.
    • Sample Answer: "When the market shifted to favor more remote work, I adapted by focusing on properties with home office spaces and virtual tour capabilities. I updated my marketing materials to highlight these features and hosted virtual open houses to attract remote workers. This approach helped me stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of clients."

How to evaluate and compare candidates after interviews?

After interviews, it's important to evaluate and compare candidates based on a set of predefined criteria.Use scorecard to evaluate each candidate.

Recruitment Bullet

Sample scorecard based on pre-defined criteria. Here’s an example:

Sales Candidate Evaluation
Criteria Sample Question Rating (1-5) Comments
Sales Experience Describe your approach to closing difficult sales.
Communication Skills How do you tailor your communication to different clients?
Interpersonal Skills How do you build rapport with clients?
Empathy How do you handle client concerns?
Adaptability Describe a time when you had to adapt to a challenging situation.
Technical Skills (CRM) How proficient are you with CRM software?
Work Sample Quality How well did the candidate complete the work sample test?
Cultural Fit Does the candidate align with the company's values and culture?

What criteria should be used to make the final hiring decision?

Final decisions should be based on the candidate's overall evaluation score, with a focus on important qualifications. Prioritize technical skills above everything else for a {role_name}, but do not forget about communication and cultural fit.

Recruitment Bullet

How to communicate the decision to candidates

Sample offer letter for {role_name}

[Company Letterhead]


[Candidate’s Name]
[Candidate’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

We are pleased to offer you the position of Real Estate Agent at [Company Name]. After careful consideration, we believe that your skills, experience, and professional values align well with our team. We are confident that you will make significant contributions to our company's success.

Position: Real Estate Agent
Start Date: [Start Date]
Salary: [Salary Amount]
Benefits: [List of Benefits]

Please find the attached employment agreement for your review and signature. Kindly return a signed copy to us by [Response Deadline].

We look forward to welcoming you to our team. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Company Name]
[Contact Information]

Sample rejection letter for {role_name}

[Company Letterhead]


[Candidate’s Name]
[Candidate’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Real Estate Agent at [Company Name] and for participating in the interview process. We appreciate your interest in joining our team.

After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we have decided to pursue other candidates whose qualifications more closely match our needs at this time.

We were impressed with your experience and skills and encourage you to apply for future openings that match your profile. We will keep your resume on file and reach out should another opportunity arise.

Thank you again for your interest in [Company Name]. We wish you all the best in your job search and future endeavors.


[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Company Name]
[Contact Information]