How to source and shortlist {role_name}

Where can you find qualified {role_name}?

  • Professional network
    • Leverage your professional network and reach out to former colleagues, industry peers, and tech community members to ask for referrals.
  • Educational Institutions
    • University Alumni Networks: Target top universities with strong engineering or business schools that offer executive-level leadership programs. Many CTOs have advanced degrees in these fields.
  • Company Career Pages
    • Posting on your own company’s career page attracts candidates already interested in your organization. Highlight leadership, innovation, and opportunities for strategic impact to draw the right talent.
  • Role-Specific Job Boards
    • Dedicated to executives in technology roles such as CTOs and CIOs.
    • TechCareers: Specializes in technology leadership roles and provides access to qualified executive-level candidates.
  • Geography-Specific Job Boards
    • US:
      • Indeed: Widely used in the U.S., often listing senior leadership roles such as CTOs.
      • Ladders: Focuses on high-level executive roles with salaries of $100K and above.
    • India:
      • Naukri: A leading job board for technology roles, including executive positions.
      • Monster India: Frequently lists senior technology roles like CTOs in the Indian market.
        Monster India
    • UAE & KSA:
      • Bayt: A leading job board in the Middle East, popular for executive roles in UAE and KSA.
      • GulfTalent: Another strong platform for recruiting senior technology leaders in the Gulf region.
    • Remote Positions:
      • We Work Remotely: A global platform for remote tech roles, including leadership positions.
        We Work Remotely
      • Remote OK: Focuses on remote-only opportunities, ideal for recruiting a CTO for a remote-first company.
        Remote OK

What are the best practices for headhunting {role_name}?

  • Leverage Executive Networks: Connect with candidates through professional associations like the CIO Forum or CTO Roundtable.
  • Target Leadership Events: Attend technology leadership conferences and events such as TechCrunch Disrupt or the Gartner Symposium to meet potential candidates.
  • Use a Data-Driven Approach: Use LinkedIn Recruiter’s advanced filters to identify CTOs with specific skills like cloud strategy or product development.
  • Personalized Outreach: When headhunting senior leaders, personalize outreach messages to emphasize the strategic nature of the role and how it impacts the company's growth.

How to shortlist candidates?

Once you have started to get applications from applicants, a thorough screening process and shortlisting of prospects will help you make the most of your time spent with the most qualified ones. 

Automated shortlisting tools :

Automated screening quickly filters out unqualified candidates, saving time for manual review. This allows the manual process to focus on the most promising candidates, ensuring the best ones are considered for further evaluation.

Screening questions to auto-shortlist based on predefined criteria

like qualifications, location, experience, and skills. Either use job board or use an ATS such as whitecarrot. Here are some questions for {role_name}

  • How many years of experience do you have leading a technology team?
    • Less than 5 years: Auto-reject
    • 5-10 years: Keep for further review
    • 10+ years: Auto-shortlist
  • How many years of experience do you have in technology strategy development?
    • Less than 3 years: Auto-reject
    • 3-7 years: Keep for further review
    • 7+ years: Auto-shortlist
  • Are you located within [specified location] or willing to work remotely?
    • No: Auto-reject
    • Yes: Keep for further review

Skill based question to auto shortlist candidate

Analyze the skill test data to automatically shortlist top-performing applicants. (recommended screening test time - 15 minutes). Here are some skill test questions for {role_name}

Technology Strategy

Ability to define and execute long-term technology plans.

  • Question 1: Describe your experience in developing technology roadmaps.
    • Options: 1-3 years, 3-5 years, 5+ years (Correct: 5+ years)
  • Question 2: What is the key consideration when aligning technology with business objectives?
    • Options: Cost, Scalability, Immediate Results (Correct: Scalability)
  • Question 3: How do you prioritize technology investments?
    • Options: Based on ROI, Alignment with business goals, Innovation trends (Correct: Alignment with business goals)

IT Management

Knowledge of overseeing IT operations and ensuring system scalability.

  • Question 1: What is your approach to managing IT infrastructure in a rapidly scaling company?
    • Options: Outsourcing, In-house management, Hybrid approach (Correct: Hybrid approach)
  • Question 2: How do you ensure security compliance in your IT systems?
    • Options: Regular audits, Automation, External consulting (Correct: Regular audits, Automation)
  • Question 3: How do you handle a critical IT system failure?
    • Options: Immediate resolution, Root cause analysis, Preventative measures (Correct: Root cause analysis, Preventative measures)

Product Development

Experience leading product development cycles.

  • Question 1: How do you manage the lifecycle of product development from ideation to launch?
    • Options: Waterfall methodology, Agile, Lean (Correct: Agile)
  • Question 2: What is the most important metric for measuring product success?
    • Options: Time to market, Customer satisfaction, Cost of production (Correct: Customer satisfaction)
  • Question 3: How do you foster innovation in your development teams?
    • Options: Hackathons, Cross-functional collaboration, Incentives (Correct: Cross-functional collaboration)

Note - Auto reject candidates if scores less than 70% in this section

One way video interview

Recruitment Bullet

Use tools like hirevue, to ask candidates pre-recorded questions about their experience and skills.

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Use sample question given in scorecard.

Collect other information 

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Collect data from shortlisted candidates, such as salary expectations and visa status.

Manual candidate profile shortlisting:

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Thoroughly review the CVs of the top scoring candidates from the automated process

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Look for evidence of the required skills, experience, and achievements

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Review the candidate’s portfolio or GitHub repositories to see examples of their work.

Schedule recruiter calls with the candidate

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Use a tool like calendly or whitecarrot to allow candidates to self-schedule calls based on your availability

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Confirm the call details (date, time, dial-in info) with the candidate via email

What questions to ask in the recruiter phone screen?

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 Use scorecard for rating candidates for recruiter

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Sample scorecard : 

Criteria Sample Question Rating (1-5) Comments
Technology Leadership How did the candidate explain their technology strategy experience? 4 Demonstrated solid experience with strategy
Problem-Solving How did the candidate handle challenges in IT management? 5 Clear, structured approach
Team Leadership How well did the candidate demonstrate leadership in team dynamics? 4 Good team management insights
Cultural Fit How well does the candidate align with company values? 3 Aligns with company’s growth strategy
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Check for consistency in responses from the candidates.

Recruitment Bullet

Record such scorecards in an ATS like whitecarrot or use google doc